1. i touch my hammyz baibiez and she dote eat em she letz me touch em and i think itz cuz she trustz me!!!
    so beet dat u kan touch em

  2. anyone that cant even spell very simple words and use english in a semi- proper way does not deserve to be anywhere near animals or handle them in any way shape or form,, in fact, why dont you jsut stay away from the computer? you cant even spell BABIES right..
    i think what u were going for "anonymous" was : I touch my hamsters' babies and she doesn't eat them. she lets me touch them and i think that's because she trusts me, so beat that you can touch them".. instead you look like a drunken, retarded,4 year old with a serious case of cerebral palsy,, even if what you were saying is true,, that has no bearing for if your animal "trusts" you or not,, animals dont have free will, its all instinct, so most likely you just dont have diseased babies, or for whatever reason she doesnt feel threatened so she doesnt eat them. end of story. now adopt out those animals you shouldnt be handling and get a middle school education as soon as possible.

    1. I can't believe how ignorant you have made yourself sound in this comment. You have described your own comment perfectly, although sadly, you somehow think that english is the only language that exists.

    2. Yeah! How do you know that the person might have been typing as fast as possible and couldn't help that they messed up so much!

    3. Uhh you two are mentally retarded... "typing as fast as possible"... right... no that person is an imbecile, and so are the two of you.

    4. it's not because somebody can't spell proper English that they have to ''stay away from a computer'' so just shut up.

    5. "Jsut" and "u"? You're not perfect at spelling simple words either so you can't judge. Haha

  3. Its alright, many people has different opinions :)

  4. you could be a little nicer!That is a lie 'you could not possably touch them.You act like you are nice but you are not.


  5. i think that all people that are not scared and know their pet shoule touch them

  6. Whoa Anonymous,
    That was so unnecessary. You dont know how old that person is, who they are, where they are from or the reason why they type like that. Its people like you who like to anonymously abuse other people who shouldn't go near pets or the internet. Jeez people calm down!!!

  7. Amen. Stupid people should be executed!

  8. LOL pretty tough crowd for hamster lovers...do have to agree though, not knowing who the person is, lighten up a tad, you never went through a phase of writing a certain way, or liking a certain thing, singing a certain song over and over and over to the point it made others nuts? Just what is your definition of "stupid"? It very well could mean the extinction of man kind as we know it - to include you - should we execute them. And if we were to do that there would be nobody to make you look as smart as you do...LOL.

  9. hi...im hungry, should i eat my babies too...?

  10. I Think if you fry your hamster you are inhumane. Please guys. Don't do that

  11. An infinite amount of monkeys on an infinite amount of typewriters for an infinite amount of time may very well recreate Shakespeare, but it's clear to me that there was only one monkey at work posting that first 'Anonymous' comment (October 11th, 2009).
    I agree, it's fairly disgusting to see somebody posting in such a manner.
    Maybe 'Anonymous' should have had hamsters for parents, so he/she/it (likely 'she', based on the tone of the comment) could have at least been useful for something (i.e. 'dinner') other than a bad example (or 'a really great example of terrible grammar').
    You're judged in public by such things as the way you dress, and on the internet, your use of language is your 'attire'. If you want to show up in filthy, tattered rags, expect to be called out on it.

  12. All about hamsters and a little about birds is what the blog says .. let us stick to that people !

  13. The comments here go a long way towards explaining how there could be anyone dumb enough to even consider voting for Romney...

    1. Because obama has done such a great job right?
