1. This realy helped me two months ago me and my friend breeded hamsters and they are so cute!!!


  2. Your Most welcome~! Just remember not to breed hamsters wihin the same family.. They tend to get gentic dieases, and their not to healthy either :)

    Good Luck :)

    Merry X'mas,

  3. My chinese dwarf hamster died yesterday... He died of old age he was 4years old.
    I'm thinking getting a male and a female. and I would really love to have baby hamsters! :D But i'm really scared of what might happen. I dont want the hamster to eat the babies. Is it rare that happens?

    1. It is not rare. The mother finds it necessary to do this to save the babies from prolonged torture or suffering, such as being killed by a predator (you if you disturb her nest within the first two weeks or so), diseases or deformities, being the runt of an overlarge litter (she will cut off the weaker links and only care for the ones she can), or anything else she might find abnormal, such as lack of food and water, or if she herself is sick and will not be around to take care of them. She does not want her babies to starve or get sick or suffer, so it's sort of like her way of "pulling the plug". Yes, she's killing them, but they will not have to suffer. Since they are not in the wild and they have you, cannibalism is not a necessity, and you could care for them yourself, just do your homework!

  4. Hello Anon,

    sorry to hear about the death of your hamster..

    Well, as far as i know, the mother will only eat the babies if they are unhealthy at birth.. so it is like killing them once and for all other wise they might suffer when they grow up, its like mercy killing..

    but to prevent it from happening , as soon as you know she is pregnant, put the dad away, and cover half the cage to give her privacy in birthing her child.

    and if possible, avoid touching the babies as the mother might think you could have contaminated them, you can only touch them after they have grown fur..

    and to prevent the mommy from being so hysterical, when changing the cage, put some of the old shaving with the new ones, so she can recognise the smell and not eat her babies..

    Good luck :)

    also do remember to have pet responsibility :)


  5. hi anonymous, i have bred two different litters of hamsters and have been successful both times. Their are a few reasons why a mother would eat her babies but its not very likely. These reasons include: The hamsters being sick so the mother kills them. Another reason is that she is too young and panics, or that she has too big of a litter and kills a few. The most common reason is that she stressed (their is too many loud noises) or that if you touch the babies she smells their different scent and thinks their not yours. I recently had someone that i had sold my hamster to call and said she had died :( .. So dont stress about the babies, its not as big of a deal as you think. But remember too keep the mother in a quiet room, touch her as less as possible and do not touch the babies until after two weeks. Sorry about your hamster. Good luck :D !

  6. I'm going to buy a dwarf hamster. I really don't know what gender to get. I get different opinions from people for example they tell me that they stink. I have never had a hamster in my life but my best friend has one and i find them so loving and tender. Can you please help me and give me advice on what is the best gender to get?

    Thanks :)

  7. How many puppies a hamster gives birth on an average? Can u tell me plz...

    1. Usually the maximum of 20 pups

    2. most likely not. mothers are even more territorial than normal hamsters... Even if it's temporary, please house them in different homes. I hope this helps...

  8. I have a female Russian dwarf, Mary Jane, and a male robo dwarf, Houdini, living together in the same cage. Are they able to breed? If so will the pups be deformed in anyway?


    1. They are but the pups may not be the healthiest

  9. I have two Syrian hamsters and they are the opposite sex! I saw them mating but my female was screeching! Do you know why she was screeching?
    I thing she is pregnant because she looks like a Grapefruit, and her nipples are getting more noticeable.
    !!!!!!!!!!I NEED HELP!!!!!!!!!!

  10. I have a large cage with 4 females if they were to have babies at the same time in the same place will they all stay peaceful?

  11. yes, we do need a lot of property to care for hamsters, they eat not only counts, but there are other things that needed
